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Yalda is a traditional holiday celebrated by Zoroastrians and other people of Iranian heritage around the world. It is a winter solstice celebration that takes place on the longest night of the year, typically around December 21st. The ancient Persians believed that evil spiritual forced were at its greatest during the longest night of the year and thus, celebrate the sunrise after this long night. Yalda even dates back to pre-Zoroastrian traditions by celebrating the holiday with the worship of Mithra, the ancient Sun God. 

During Yalda, people typically gather with family and friends to celebrate the holiday. They decorate their homes with lights and candles, and prepare traditional foods, such as dried fruits, nuts, and pomegranates. It is also a time for people to exchange gifts and engage in cultural and religious activities, such as reading poems and stories/myths.

Similar to Nowruz, Yalda is also celebrated by people all over the word, including people in Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. 

Date in 2023: December 21

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Learn More About the Festivals of Zoroastrianism

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