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Facts about Zoroastrianism for Kids


Zoroastrianism for Kids: Quick Facts

1. Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions. 

2. The founder of the religion was named Zoroaster and came from ancient Iran

3. Zoroastrians worship one god, Ahura Mazda. 

4. The motto of the religion is: "Good tHoughts, good words, good deeds."

5. In Zoroastrianism, people believe they have free will to choose between good and evil. 

6. Zoroastrians today now live in mostly India and Iran. 

7. Children are formally declared Zoroastrians after a ceremony called Navajote (or Sudreh Pushti). 

8. Fire is an important symbol in Zoroastrianism and symbolizes wisdom/an illuminated mind and righteousness. 

9. Zoroastrians pray with a sudreh (white shirt) and a kushti (a rope around the shirt) because it symbolizes purity. 

10. There are less than 200,000 Zoroastrians in the world today. However, it used to be the main religion in ancient Persia. 

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