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Rituals in Zoroastrianism


Navjote/ Sudreh Pushti

The Navjote, or Sudreh Pushti, is a ceremony that takes place for all Zoroastrian children between the ages of 7 and 15. This is the official ceremony (Kushti ritual) that initiates a child into the Zoroastrian religion. The Navjote/ Sudreh Pushti is performed by a mobed (priest) and marks the day when the child will recieve a kushti and a sudreh. A kushti is a sacred rope and a sudreh is a sacred shirt that serves as a reminder of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds." The kushti is tied over the sudreh and is often worn during special prayers and rituals throughout one's life. 

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Burial Rituals

In ancient times, dead bodies were considered to be impure as death was the evil work of Angra Mainyu (evil spirit). Thus, decaying bodies were not buried to contaminate the Earth. Instead, bodies were left outside to be eaten by animals like vultures. However, most modern Zoroastrians practice cremation. 



Zoroastrians celebrate birthdays festively as it was deemed an important celebration dating back to Ancient Persia. In modern times, Zoroastrians will often celebrate birthdays with a special meal, gifts, prayers, and lighting candles. However, one difference from Western Culture is that Zoroastrians don't blow out the candles. Extinguishing light is believed to shorten one's life and diminish wisdom and, thus, is not practiced on one's birthday. Instead, Zoroastrians will light an oil lamp, or a divo. Additionally, planting a tree on one's birthday is considered good luck. 


In Zoroastrian weddings, both the bride and groom will wear white, the color of purity. During a wedding, there is first a ceremony where the bride and groom exchange promises and a priest will officiate the marriage. After the marriage ceremony, there will be festivities, including feasts, songs, and dancing. A typical Zoroastrian wedding can last anywhere from 3 to 7 days. 

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